Sunday, October 28, 2007




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mmu debate home

mmu debate home
it was the last training i joined with all of you guys..its truely sad but what can i do besides accepting it as a fact. After final exam, jeff n i will have to transfer to cyberjaya campus.. T.T i learn a lot from you all. Best luck in the coming match in taiwan and don't forget my souveniers=D

PE 102

PE 102
my foundation coursemates =) farewell for our alpha year after a great year crazying together. when i first came to melacca,i just wish to get back to pg as soon as possible..that's what a homesick girl was,haha! but when the day came for me to leave melacca,its truely sad n reluctant to separate with all of my friends..

chicken gang..haha!

chicken gang..haha!
24 may 2007 never thought that 6 of us will become such great buddies =D shinqyee,yityin,ben,kelvin,leon..a year had passed and we are going to respective mmu for beta year >< yityin leon n me are going to cyberjaya to pursue electrical engineering majoring in electronics while you guys will stay back in melacca campus for mechanical engineering. i still remembered how we all first was in physics lab where mr.hazimin asked us to form a group for following experiments..i miss those days we hanging out together,studying together. promise that we all will strive for the best together ya ! =)

my 18 birthday =)

my 18 birthday =)
it was my first birthday not celebrated in my hometown.thanks a lot guys =D that day we really ate a lot..burger king secret recepi continuosly,haha! its a sweet memory for me that i will keep it in my heart forever~**

birthday =)

birthday =)
30 nov 2006..celebrating my 18 birthday with my debate buddies =) everthing likes in a flash,i still remembered the day we all went for the debate interview at FSER,and 12 of us were formed a group to go through training together for the competition in coming year. really thanks and i miss you all a lot!! flashing back,dat night i was sitting for physics exam before i went to CLC to join you all for meeting. It was a surprise bday party =) amy,i still remembered your advice to me at that night,really thanks,muakss~**


the view from my class when i was form 5 =)

cousin's wedding

cousin's wedding
31 dec 2006 with my lovely cousins karen and elaine =) are we look alike? our dads are twin,haha!But as a student who studied biology for 2 years ( luckily just 2 years >< ),there is no reason why we should look the same as..we are not twin ><


this was the apartment where i stayed for a year during my alpha year in melacca..IXORA apartment,haha =) its a memorable place as i still remembered me n my housemates had to walk down to ground floor from 11th floor at 3am in the midnight as there was fire occured.we all were burning the midnight oil for the next morning chemistry exam.That night i could see some girls in pyjamas bringing their pets,pillows,laptop,soft toys down to the ground floor,haha XD But the worst thing was we all had to climb up to our apartment unit at 11th floor.erm,it was a great exercise to eliminate n burn our fat after leading a sedentary life for few weeks(need to get onto the chair n table to study >< )haha!ends up we all going to sit for the exam with a pair of horrible panda eyes..


5 may 2007 me and great debate group friends at steamboat buffet in melacca =) it was a farewell for me..sobs..after the dinner, we went to klebang beach.its too dark till we cant see everything clearly.but we had a great n fun time at there,listening to each other talk,hiding people's shoes ( sounds childish >< ) By the way, are we too old for acting cute ? XD haha!

leadership training camp

leadership training camp
its chaojia, yinshan n me in front of jit sin high school hall.The camp was mainly held by seniors from UPM and 3 of us joined as facilitators in the 3days-2nights camp in our previous secondary school. Flashing back, i did join this camp when i was form4,but that time i joined as a member who represented maths society.Time flies.. >< The camp was great n memorable where i get to know those seniors and juniors,as well as learn that studying is not merely for exams,its for the sake of pursuing knowledge and answering our curiousity..=)

leadership training camp

leadership training camp


haha.lisher n me being fool at our apartment in cyberjaya XD misuse the boxing glove !


shinqyee n me in melacca. its really bad that we cant study together anymore. Meantime, do visit us at cyberjaya,haha !

yityin, lisher n i at kelvin's hostel to celebrate zhen hui's birthday =) we are old housemates and penang kaki,haha! Striving hard to achieve our mission and that is ==> eat eat eat !!

forever memory

forever memory
haha,look at our short hair XD

training camp

training camp
my group member n i in a training camp. He is the future leader of jshs scout,haha !

my workstation..haha! the messy place where i do my homeworks n dreaming ><